The Hon. Regional Minister for Central Region, Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan meets the Environmental Health Officers in all the twenty-two (22) Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Central Region at RCC Banquet Hall.

The meeting discussed the state of sanitation in the region and develop a roadmap to address insanitary conditions in the MMDAs. Hon. Assan pinpointed some particular places in the region where some people have deliberately decided to make there a dumping site and urged the respective officers to  take action to cease such people from this act.

She also gave the participants the opportunity to express their challenges, contributions, and suggestions to help improve their work in their various MMDAs. A hashtag #AgendaKeepCentralClean# was coined at the end of the meeting.

The agenda is to place a clarion call on all stakeholders and most especially households to engage in environmentally friendly activities, practice proper waste management and keep their surroundings clean.

#AgendaKeepCentralClean# will operate in full force and there will be sanctions for those who flout measures tailored towards improving the sanitation situation across the region.