The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations has held a day Sensitization and Awareness Creation Workshop on the Green Jobs Strategy in Elmina, Central Region.

Delivering the welcome address on behalf of the Central Regional Minister, Honourable Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan by Mr. Waxzy Balukia Mukaila, Director of Internal Audit said, the strategy had been developed with the intentions to create platforms and Institute measures that would organize and harmonies on-going green interventions through effective coordination.

She further said, the strategic job creation adopts a multi-sectoral approach to ensure effective delivery of goods and services by specialized state and non- state.

“The implementation of measures that support the growth and expansion of the green economy in Ghana towards sustainable economic growth with a Central focus on investments, employment and skills”, Regional Minister added.

She emphasized on the purpose of the forum which provided a platform not only for tuition but also for dialogue among participants that enhanced awareness of the National Green jobs strategy and to facilitate job creation at the Sub- National level.

She commended the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) and the Government for pursing such a Laudable course.

In an address read on behalf of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, Mrs. Gloria B. Noi, Director of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) said, in recent times the negative impact of global warming and climate change has become obvious across the globe.

She further said, the numerous changes of the climate has brought many consequences to human life if the Government does not put in place measures to combat it.

She urged the media to help create the awareness on the National green jobs strategy and moving from brown environment to green environment.

Mrs . Noi said, the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations and partners were working together to develop the National green jobs strategy to contengent frame to guide the implementation of maximizing of job creation potentials for emerging green economy .

“ There is an urgent need to be able to identify the requisite green skills to make them relevant to the green economy “, Mrs. Noi stressed.

She further said, it was not only the Ministry and it’s departments alone, but each and everyone had a role to play in the creation of green jobs at the National and local level.

The overall National green job strategy is to ensure policy alignment and coordination for green skills developments.

The Deputy Director, Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) Mr. Ernest Berko said, the strategy of the National green job was trying to implement safety measures that would take the brown way of doing things to the green world.

According to Mr. Berko, the National Green jobs strategy was a frame work developed by the MELR and in collaboration with stakeholders to minimize job losses and maximize the potential of the green and circular economy for the creation of decent green jobs in Ghana.

He added that, the main objective is to support the creation of green jobs through coherent and effective policy coordination of sectorial approaches.

“ it is good we are moving from brown to green but doing that, we must be conscious going green is the way forward and is a way of making useful of the natural resources to minimize the job losses and maximize the job creation potentials in Ghana”. He ended.

According to him, the regulations put in place for both the employer and employee was that, they were protected with annual leave and the use of social dialogue to resolve disputes.

Present at the workshop were Budget, Human Resource, Planning, Records and other heads of department from the 22 Municipal, Metropolitan and District Assemblies (MMDAs).