The current Chief Director has met with all heads of departments and agencies to solicit for their supports in making the Council administration one to reckon with in the region.

In a welcome address, Mr. Owusu-Amoako acknowledged the efforts made by the various departments in bringing the sanity and development this far.

He however called on the heads of the departments and agencies to improve on their operations by conscientising subordinates to adhere to the rules of the service.

Mr. Owusu-Amoako stated that absenteeism retards development and must be eschewed at all cost.

He stressed that time management and team work should not be sidelined, but rather front the reason for the service’s existence and the neutrality of workers.

The Regional Chief Director asked heads of departments in the region to create checklists on the performance of their workers as well as institute stringent measures to control absenteeism, lateness and backbiting at the workplace.

He expressed concern about the poor rate at which some departments operated and called for improvement to achieve a purposeful goal.

Mr. Owusu-Amoako called for a technical team to be established to work on proposals for financial supports. He also admonished them to make it a point to recognize their duties owned to the development of Central region entirely.

He finally sought for the uttermost involvement of the various departments and agencies to make CRCC a memorable institution of government in his administration.